Way to Work

Access to bikes for health and social care staff

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Access to bikes for health and social care staff 2022/23


In response to the Covid pandemic Cycling Scotland introduced the NHS Worker Fund in April 2020, a Transport Scotland funded pilot scheme aimed at addressing access to bikes for key workers within the NHS.

Eight health boards secured a total of around £100,000 in funding and offered an up to £500 bike voucher to staff that were not eligible for their board’s Cycle to Work scheme due to contractual or affordability reasons. Staff eligible for Cycle to Work also had the option to claim a voucher for a £60 lock.

Through the NHS Worker fund, 130 bikes and 400 locks were provided toeligible staff.

Following an evaluation of the NHS Worker Fund, Cycling Scotland can now offer funding for staffowned bikes through the Cycling Friendly Employer development fund.

Available to eligible staff employed within the health and social care sector, details on eligibility and the application process are outlined below.

Which organisations can apply?

Cycling Friendly Employer development fund application form

Health or social care employers based in Scotland can apply for staff-owned bikes.

Prior to applying, employers should engage with the Cycling Friendly team to discuss the proposal. There should be an existing offer of the Cycle to Work scheme from the employer.

Details on the current Cycle to Work scheme (provider information where applicable, how this is currently promoted/communicated to staff, whether this is available all year or just for set periods) should be included in the application – this can be added as a supporting document, if need be.

Who is eligible for a bike?

The aim of the funding is to increase access to bikes for health and social care staff who experiencebarriers to accessing a bike due to contractual or affordability reasons. Ineligibility to Cycle to Workscheme may be due to a staff member’s contract (length/type) or earnings not meeting the CTW provider’s threshold. Proposals should outline how many staff members will benefit from the project and include a description of how the project will be communicated to eligible staff.

What type of bike is eligible and how will they be distributed?

Quality and robust bikes are available at around the £500 price point, and applications with a minimum value of £5,000 will be considered.

We recommend that bike purchasing follows responsible and sustainable guidelines, and it could bebeneficial to source bikes locally.

Consideration should also be given to quality refurbished bikes if these are available locally. Any application should detail how staff-owned bikes will be purchased and how these will be distributed to eligible staff. This could take the form of a voucher for a bikeshop, or bikes could be purchased directly.

If bikes are to be purchased by the employer and then allocated to eligible staff, please detail the transfer of ownership process.

Accessories such as a helmet or lock can be included with the purchase of a bike.

Other considerations

Storage – There should be assurance from staff members that they have safe and secure bike storage available. Accessible and secure bike storage should also be available at staff workplaces – ifthere is a need to improve these, the application can include a proposal for the procurement andinstallation of workplace cycle storage.

Reporting – As with all CFE funded projects, there will be 6-month and 12-month report requirements. Cycling Scotland may request additional evaluation to be carried out, including level of uptake, changes in the number of staff regularly cycling to work, uptake of Cycle to Work, and (anonymised) feedback from bike recipients.

Training – Cycling Scotland as well as local cycling organisations may be able to support eligible staf fwith adult cycle training. Eligible staff should be signposted to the Essential Cycling Skills programme and applicants can enquire directly with training@cycling.scot with a view to organise a group sessions for beneficiaries of the funding.

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