Way to Work / Sustrans NHS Workshop

Get into Gear with Active Travel: Case Studies to Inspire | Sustrans NHS Workshop

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This online workshop, recorded on Wednesday 24th August, offered staff the chance to discover case studies and impactful stories from across NHS Scotland on building engagement with walking and cycling.

Watch the recording to hear from Active Travel Embedded Officers based in NHS Highland, Dumfries and Galloway, Grampian, and Shetland, on their successes and learnings.

Facilitating active travel brings so many benefits to colleagues. But knowing how to make this happen can be less clear, especially with limited time and capacity. This workshop aimed to offer some direction and inspiration from success stories across NHS Scotland.

Our Get into Gear workshops provide a timely opportunity to think about how we can find joy and breathing space in making our everyday journeys more active and environmentally friendly. The purpose of the Sustrans Workplace Engagement Programme is to increase active and sustainable travel of NHS Scotland staff, creating a culture where this is normalised.

Find more resources by visiting www.waytoworkscot.org

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