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St Triduana’s Medical Practice case study

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During lockdown, GPs at St Triduana’s Medical Practice in Craigentinny, Edinburgh, continued to make home visits to patients. These journeys were normally short and close to the medical practice, so we offered the use of ebikes to help practice staff make their critical journeys more sustainable. The practice received two ebikes from our South East advice centre.


With access to the ebikes, many of the practice staff swapped their car journeys to cycle journeys. They found that not only were ebikes a practical and sustainable way of delivering care to patients, but they also improved their own mental and physical wellbeing.

Dr Mackay from the Craigentinny practice explained how the ebikes’ power-assisted technology helped the doctors make essential journeys quickly and professionally: “Once we had mastered the ebikes, they were easy to use. The battery power of the ebike meant that we turned up fresh for each appointment.”


The practice team found that during the trial period their car use reduced significantly. They were so impressed that they are now looking to get their own bank of ebikes for staff use, which is cheaper, healthier, and better for the environment!

Dr Mackay said, “The Home Energy Scotland team were really helpful throughout the trial. They were enthusiastic, responsive and very supportive of our needs.”

Our ebikes are being loaned to medical practices, key workers and volunteers. If you are interested in trialling an ebike or want to find out more information, get in touch with us today on 0808 808 2282 and speak to one of our friendly advisors.

Interest-free loans for ebikes, cargo and ecargo bikes, and adapted cycles are available from Energy Saving Trust. The eBike Loan, funded by Transport Scotland, aims to make cycling as accessible as possible to everyone in Scotland.

Read more about how ebikes have helped Scotland’s key workers travel more sustainably.

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