NHS Highland / Sustrans Active Travel Engagement

Those feet were made for walking

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Noelle O’Neill, Senior Public Health Scientist, Inverness.

Noelle is based at Larch House but has been working from home since the covid pandemic. Walking is a really important and enjoyable part of Noelle’s life.

During the working day she fits in a walk whenever possible, perhaps for a 1:1 meeting, or over lunchtime. She loves the way that walking connects her to the local environment: the sights,sounds and smells along the way, the wildlife, the greenery andthe wider landscape, whether that be town or country.

Noelle says: “One of the many things I love about walking is that it connects me to the community. A quick smile and a “hello” can reduce feelings of isolation and perhaps cheer someone up, and sometimes there’s a longer chat.

Walking instead of driving reduces our carbon footprint, air pollution and noise pollution –footsteps are quiet!

This all helps make our shared spaces more pleasant for everyone. For me, it’s really simple – walking makes me happy. It is free, and it is freedom.”

The Active Travel Engagement Project is a partnership between NHS Highland and Sustrans whichsupports staff to be more active for everyday journeys.

Would you like to encourage more active and sustainable travel choices across your organisation?

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