Michael Cusack, Head of Sustainability & Business Transformation at ACS Clothing

ACS Clothing Ltd

ACS Clothing Ltd has seen an over 30% reduction in its carbon footprint from staff commute

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Project Timeline

ACS Clothing Ltd

Travelknowhow Scotland supported ACS Clothing Ltd  through the provision of analysis to understand current staff travel patterns and develop an Active and Sustainable Travel Plan strategy to tie in with its net-zero emissions by 2025 ambitions.

Project Execution

What Travelknowhow Scotland delivered

Travelknowhow Scotland were able to provide the organisation with 24 hours of FREE travel planning consultancy time. The project started with analysis of the exisiting staff survey data and identifying two key target groups, under 22's and those travelling less than 5 kms to work.


ACS Clothing Ltd has gone onto develop and implement a number of measures to support its staff to make more active and sustainable travel choices. These include a company wide awarenss raising programme to promote the benefits of more active and sustainable travel to employees, as well as incorporating active and sustainable travel as a key focus on the staff induction process.

The organisation offers Cycle to work scheme with also covers e-bikes as well as offering an EV salary sacrifice scheme to staff.

At their, Mossend premises, they offer free EV charging points, e-bike charging cages on site, free healthy lunch incentive for those travelling actively and promotion of FREE under 22 bus travel.

ACS Clothing Ltd also work closely with neighbouring bsuinesses on car sharing options and other alternatives to limit single car occupancy amongst staff.

Michael Cusack:

"Travelknowhow Scotland have been a great support to us in reducing the carbon footprint of our staff's commuteto / from work. They have introduced free bus passes to our younger staff and Cycle to Work and EV Salary Sacrifice schemes amongst other initiatives.THKS  have worked with our staff tobetter understand their carbon footprint and explored ways they can reducetheir footprint. THKS’s work has brought about changes in our employees’commuting behaviour shifting them towards sustainable mobility solutions with over 30% reduction in our carbon footprint from staff commute."

Would you like to encourage more active and sustainable travel choices across your organisation?

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